Thursday, September 14, 2006

XTT 3 : Indian Summer

September 21st, it's that time of year again, the Kross Town Traffic circus is back in town. It's already been one full year since the XTT "Double O" try-out, and it has been a big hit with the aircooled crowd, with over 40 cars showing up for this informal cruise trough Ghent last time around. We want to stress that the cruise is open for any car, bike or plane, be it aircooled or just Plain Jane Cool ! So be there or be [].

Oh yeah, for those not savy with the concept, you show up with your ride, right from the strike of seven in the evening. You get the chance to chit-chat with like-minded or other people. And at around eight, off you go, with a small, not too hard to comprehend roadmap. We meet again after the cruise at the local MacDo for a quick bite.

1 comment:

Wim said...

Nice Artwork Dr. Jeckill.
I will shurely be there