Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mask on !!!

Finally, at long last, the flyer is locked and loaded. But as San Fernando Valley is becoming a regular item, so is last minute notification.
This time it's interactive as hell. Get out your scissors and maybe even your crayons and start printing big. Cut along the dotted lines and make holes for headlights, put a rubberband trough the black dots on the sides and presto, you look like one bad bat out of hell. Fun, isn't it.
For once leave your cool at home and put on your mask, as it might as well be your last night on the town. Remember it's 666 ! And no mask, no plan, so...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Here you are, the date for the next XTT has been set : the Sixth of June 2006, one Hell of a day to take a ride into town as if the Devil is chasing your tail. I know it's a tuesday, probably after a long and hard weekend, but Hell, it might just be your last chance to drive your beloved car, as the End is near.
As usual we park at seven and ride at eight, starting of at the Park&Ride in Gentbrugge, heading for the Macdo, cruising trough Sin City Ghent. And yes, San Fernando Valley will be included in the tour.
Come back here for more info and off course a flyer to hold the boys in blue at bay.