Monday, June 12, 2006

Apocalypse Now

As we like to drive our cars, we, Die Volksfreunde, get together evey 3 months or so to make the streets of downtown Ghent an unsafer place. This time we couldn't have picked a better day as it was the number of the Beast, 06/06/06 !

And as we don't like to drive alone, we invited anyone with Hot Wheels to tag along. This resulted in a lively Park&Ride, with over 40 cars showing up. Mainly aircooled from early fifties till late 2003 and Type 1, Type 2 to Type 3 over to some Porsches. But even some chunks of American Iron came out to play.

This all resulted in some fine line-ups, to be admired by passerby's, some of them turning up in Beemer cabrios, but they soon realised that you at least needed something Vintage to part in the fun.

Theme to this XTT was "the Devil" and you were supposed to turn up masked with your flyer. Few did, but this guy really wore his mask with the pride it deserved. I wonder if he has already taken it of by now as it looks so natural on him.

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